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Secure working environment in the Oil and Gas Industry



We know that energy exposures provide a significant amount of threat to a worker on a drilling rig. We also know it is important to have strong processes in place to help mitigate our exposure to energy as we Actively C.A.R.E. for ourselves and others. Mitigating these risks requires the development and refinement of robust processes and procedures, with worker input being key to ensure effectiveness and adherence. As the industry continues to evolve, so too must our commitment to safety, reflected in evolving processes, policies, and training practices.

I invite you to prioritize worker safety and foster a culture of continuous improvement, to effectively combat energy exposures and create a safer working environment for all. Your active participation is instrumental in combating energy exposures and, most importantly, creating a secure working environment that empowers all in the oil and gas industry.

Safety & Responsibility

Lock-Out, Tag-Out, Try-Out





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